Complete List of Knitting Abbreviations
If you’re just getting started knitting, it’s important to know common knitting abbreviations and terms so you can easily read patterns and finish your knitting projects. It can be intimidating when you’re just getting started knitting, so having a handy list of knitting terms can help you learn how to knit. Most patterns contain a list of abbreviations specific to that pattern; however, having a complete list handy can help you quickly get your project finished!
List of Knitting Abbreviations
ALT: alternate
APPROX: approximately
BEG: beginning
BET: between
BO: bind off See Video
BOR: beginning of round
C2B: move next ST to CN & hold in back, K1, K1 from CN
C4B: move next 2 STS to CN & hold in back, K2, K2 from CN
C6B: move next 3 STS to CN & hold in back, K2, K2 from CN
C2F: move next ST to CN & hold in front, K1, K1 from CN
C4F: move next 2 STS to CN & hold in front, K2, K2 from CN
C6F: move next 3 STS to CN & hold in front, K3, K3 from CN
CB: cable back
CC: contrasting color
CCD: centered double decrease
CF: cable forward
CN: cable needle
CO: cast on See Video
CONT: continue
DEC: decrease
DPN: double pointed needles
EOR: end of round/row
G ST: garter stitch
INC: increase
K: knit
K1B: knit one stitch in the row below
K1F&B: knit 1 stitch in the front and back (increase 1 ST)
K1P1: knit 1 stitch, purl 1 stitch
K2TOG: knit 2 stitches together (decrease 1 ST) See Video
K3TOG: knit 3 stitches together (decrease 2 STS)
KTBL: knit through the back loop
KW: knitwise
LH: lefthand
LLI: left lifted increase
M: marker
M1: make one ST
M1L: make 1 ST that leans to the left
M1R: make 1 ST that leans to the right
MB: make a bobble
MC: main color
P: purl
P1B: purl 1 ST in the row below
P1F&B: purl 1 stitch in the front and the back
P2TOG: purl 2 STS together See Video
P2TOGTBL: purl 2 STS together through the back loop See Video
PU: pick up
PUK: pick up and knit See Video
P2SSO: pass 2 slipped stitches over
PSSO: pass the slipped stitch over
PTBL: purl through the back loop
PW: purlwise
REM: remaining
REP: repeat
RH: righthand
RLI: right lifted increase
REP: repeat
RS: right side
S2KPO: slip 2 STS together knitwise, knit 1, pass slipped STS over (decrease 2 STS)
SKPO: slip 1 ST, knit 1 ST, pass slipped ST over (decrease 1 ST)
SK2PO: slip 1 ST, knit 2 STS together, pass slipped ST over (decrease 2 STS)
SL: slip
SL ST: slip stich
SSK: slip, slip, knit 2 slipped STS together (decrease 1 ST) See Video
SSP: slip 2 STS, purl the 2 slipped STS together through back loop (decrease 1 ST)
STST: stockinette stitch
TBL: through the back loop
TOG: together
YO: yarn over
W&T: wrap and turn
WS: wrong side
WYIB: with yarn in back
WYIF: with yarn in front
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