Cozy Kiddo Cardigan Knitting Pattern
Cozy Kiddo Cardigan
The pattern is a top down seamless raglan that will keep your kiddo warm and cozy on those cold winter days. The arm length and sweater length can be altered to more accurately fit your kiddo, if necessary.
• Size US 13 (9mm) 24” Circular Knitting Needles
• 4 Size US 13 (9mm) DPNs
• 2 Skeins Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick Yarn
• 4 Stitch Markers
• Scrap Yarn
• 4 1” Buttons
12 mos (2, 4) years
Chest circumference
21”, 23", 25”
4 STS and 6.5 rows = 2 inches
BO = Bind Off
K = Knit
K2TOG = Knit 2 Together
M1 = Make 1 (Backwards Loop)
P = Purl
P2TOG = Purl 2 Together
PM = Place Marker
RS = Right Side
SM = Slip Marker
ST(S) = Stitch(es)
ST ST = Stockinette Stitch
WS = Wrong Side
Cozy Kiddo Cardigan
With circular needle, cast on 34 STS using the long-tail cast on method
Row 1: Starting on a RS row, begin 2X2 rib, beginning with a K2
Rows 2-3: Continue 2X2 rib
Row 4: In 2X2 rib, set up for raglan shaping as follows, P5 (front), PM, P7 (sleeve), PM, P10 (back), PM, P7 (sleeve), PM, P5 (front)
Row 5: *K to 1st ST before marker, M1, K1, SM, K1, M1 repeat from * 3 more times, K to end [42 stitches]
Row 6: (and all WS rows): P
Repeat Rows 5 and 6 until 74 (82, 90) stitches are made
Divide for Body
K 10 (11, 12) STS to first marker, remove marker and place 17 (19, 21) sleeve stitches on piece of scrap yarn, M1(1,1), K 20 (22, 24) back 1 stitches, place next 17 (19, 21) sleeve STS on piece of scrap yarn (removing markers), M1(1,1), K 10 (11, 12) front STS [42, 46, 50] STS for body]
Continue in ST ST until body measures 6” (7”, 8”) from underarm, ending on a WS row
Begin 2X2 rib for bottom band for 6 rows, binding off on the 6th row in pattern
Put sleeve stitches on DPNs, picking up 1 stitch on body [18 (20, 22) STS] All measurements decrease stitches so that there are 17 STS remaining for start of wristband ribbing
12 mos: ST ST for 6” total, decreasing once in the middle at 3”
2 Yrs: ST ST for 8” total, decreasing 3 times evenly spaced [Every 2”]
4 Yrs: ST ST for 10” total, decreasing 5 times evenly spaced [or as close as possible]
For all sizes, begin wristband ribbing: K2TOG, K1, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2 [16 STS]
Continue in K2, P2 ribbing for 3 additional rows and BO in pattern
Button Bands
This pattern is written for a boy, so the button band is on the right side. For a girl, just reverse the sides (make the left side the side with button holes).
Right Side Button Band
Pick up and K about 3 STS for every 4 rows along the sweater edge up to the top ribbing, ensuring that the total number of STS you have is divisible by 4 + 2I recommend using 30 STS (34 STS, 38 STS). However, if you change the length of the cardigan or if your gauge is a bit different, you may need to come up with your own 4 + 2 number of STS.
Row 1 & 2: Starting on a WS row, work 2X2 rib starting with P2
Prep for buttonhole row. The bottom and top buttonholes will be made 3 STS in from the ends. Mark these by placing scrap yarn or removable markers over the 3rd and 4th STS in from the edges. Then, evenly measure for the 2 center buttonholes and mark these over 2 STS as well. If your markers are placed on P STS instead of K STS, you will YO, P2TOG instead of YO, K2TOG. Just remember to keep the 2X2 ribbing consistent.
Row 3 (Buttonhole Row): P2, YO, K2TOG *work in 2x2 Rib to next marker, remove marker, YO, k2tog or P2TOG, repeat from * through to last last marker to last 3 STS. K2TOG, YO, P2.
Row 4: Work row in 2x2 Rib
Row 5: BO in pattern
Left Side Button Band
Pick up and K 3 STS for every 4 rows along sweater edge, picking up the same number of STS as the right side button band • Starting on a WS row work in 2x2 rib for 4 rows, BO in pattern for Row 5 Weave in all ends and block.
Cozy Kiddo Cardigan